Book Gretchen Upcoming Speaking Events
Yes, she can speak!! Gretchen is an accomplished speaker with numerous conference, radio and television appearances including "Top of the Hour Newsmakers" on CNN Headline News. Recent speaking engagements include the American Gas Association, the Construction User's Roundtable Young Professional Conference, Exelon Energy, ENR Magazines's Groundbreaking Women in Construction, and the Western Energy Institute's Women's Forum.
Book Your Speech! Help Gretchen get this book into the hands of those that will benefit most - working parents inside and outside the home. Gretchen delivers exciting presentations and workshops at company and association events on the topic of "8 Steps to Being a Great Working Mom". Ranging from 30 minutes overviews to half-day workshops, these events are high energy, interactive and impactful. For more information contact Gretchen directly at [email protected]. Additional Speaking Topics: Gretchen also speaks on a variety of management topics including strategy, change management, leadership, collaboration and sourcing. She is an impassioned speaker on the topics of attracting and retaining diverse populations in the engineering and construction industry with a specific focus on increasing the pipeline of women in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers. More information on these topics is available by contacting Gretchen at [email protected]. |